JJC 2021

Hi everyone!


We are happy to invite you to the 12th Young Researcher's Days of the Roscoff Biological Station!


On this day, master students, doctoral students, postdocs, and the Station's CDDs will present their work and discuss current scientific topics.


Given the health context, the conference will be held online on February 17-18, 2021; the theme will be:


Ego & Environmental Ethics


We are pleased to announce that the 2 keynotes speakers are Bruno LEMAITRE and Rémi BEAU.


You will present your work (in english) in a 10 min presentation, a 3 min presentation (MT180, short movie, internship project…), or a poster.

The 3min presentations will be pre-recorded, be creative!


The idea of this year's conference is to discuss participant's research projects with a particular emphasis on their significance for the environment, expanding knowledge on how to preserve it, and promoting awareness on this critical topic.

Participants will be strongly encouraged to indicate (if possible) in their conclusions how their findings are in agreement with environmental ethics or to give their opinion on what can be done in the future to respond to different aspects of it.


New this year, the Posters will be available in advance on this website, so that everyone can enjoy and vote for the 

Public Prize!

For more information on the poster session, go here.


This year's topic will allow us to discuss environmental ethics, and expand this topic and discuss ego and ethics in science during our "Debates" which will take place on the 18th afternoon.

Let us know which ones of the debates you want to attend when you register! Please note that places are limited!

You can find the topics here.



Please submit your abstract before 08/02 with the New Submission form.


We are looking forward to having you join us!


JJC 2021 Organizing Team

Bertille, Louison, Emma, Jasna and Roman




Poster Public Prize

From 16/02 to 18/02/21 (15:00)

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